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~12:54 PM
went out with janice n simphoni yesterdae :) we took neoprints first den went kbox n den neoprints again (: lols. den we went window shoppin. hahas. maybe it doesnt sound fun but i can tell you dis. it was damn fun. yupps. den jan had to go off n i went to taka with sim. bought manga. dat sim buy three manga den she jus flipped thru the last chapter n decided dat she didnt like the endin. n she gave the three books to me as bdae prezzies. n the bdae treat at seoul garden dat she has been talkin abt since dunno when is off. hmph. no sincerity at all rites. but i still lurve her lots. hahas. den we went to the comics rental shop at simei. i rented 9 comics!!
yupps. den i went home n read comics. after dat xiaoshu treated us to movie -- premonition. me, ziyong, xiaohui n joanna jiejie. dis fridae sigu treatin us to movie -- ghost train. me, ziyong n xiaohui. n after the movie yesterdae, i finished readin 5 comics. hahas. i love comics n movies :)
i barely started on my homework. hais. nvm. at most get kicked out of sch lohs. it will still be a happi world for me :)
| together on.
Monday, June 20, 2005
~3:22 PM
missed squad pt todae. again :( cos i promised my cousin to go swimmin wiv her. n i hurt my leg when we dived into the pool. blearghx. janice's blog is back. whee~ n i met her on thursdae when i went to watch mr n mrs smith with my cousins. took neoprintx too :) n watched star wars on wednesdae nite. prefer mr n mrs smith. gonna watch monster-in-law next. hahas. dis june holidae is a movie holidae for me x) oh yars. i almost forgot to mention abt my dream yesterdae nite. dis is sth i mus record in my blog as memorance. i dreamt dat i was in 6k. no not 6k. it was a class with all the 6k ppl n mrs khoo. best of all, janice, yao lu n jochebed were also dere. i didnt see camelia in the dream but i am sure she was dere cos it was such a perfect dream :) in the dream, we were all chattin away happily n mrs khoo smiled lots at me. i was thankful enough for all dat already but dere was sth else. sth dat made me beam even more. he was dere in the dream. no he wasnt in the same class but he was dere playin bball when i walked out of the class. wearin pink. lols. i still cant think of anythin to explain wat was his business playin bball on the corridor but it didnt matter. wat mattered was dat i saw him. sigh. i guess the happiness i get frm seein him in my dreams are enough to prove dat i still like him. anyways, i almost cried when i woke up. when i realised dat it was all a dream. all mighty overlords above. pls let me hav the same dream tonite. if you dont mind me for bein too greedy, may i hav the same dream every nite :)
| together on.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
~10:41 AM
went arnd reading blogs n realised dat lotsa frenship fights n hatred are revolvin round fakeness n hypocriticy. actually doesnt everyone has a fakeness side? wat matters is how dat fakeness is used. if you see dat fren of yours bein really polite n nice to a teacher dat nobody likes, not excludin ur fren, it doesnt necessary mean dat ur fren is bein fake to curry favour wiv the teacher. does it ever occurs to you dat ur fren treats it as basic respect for teachers? yupps. but i still dont rule out the possibility dat its used to make the teacher "happy". heres another example. if theres someone really popular in class dat ur fren dun like, yet ur fren acts nice to dat someone, will you think dat ur fren is tryin to mix into the popular gang too? shldnt you put urself into ur fren's shoes? wat good does it do to anyone if ur fren shows displeasure at dat someone above-boardly? it will only make everyone else dislike ur fren n maybe even ostrasize ur fren. yupps. these comments are made based on wat i see arnd me. n maybe some i experienced myself. all in all, the most impt factor is how you urself see your fren. if ur fren do sth like wat i mentioned, wat will you think of it? if you are close buds, i am sure you wldnt even harbour any bad thoughts abt it as theres a deep trust inside ur heart. however, if you start thinkin dat ur fren hav changed, it only mean dat you do not hav enough trust n understandin of ur fren. n the frenship will not be able to last without these essential ... moral values? i hope you get wat i mean. hmm.. n i jus realised the importance of blogs. JANICE!! where in the world has your blog gone to?! now dat we are in diff schs n i dun see you at all, do you noe dat it feels like you hav disappeared when ur blog is gone? i dunno wats happenin to you n it feels like i hav lost my best fren :((
| together on.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
~7:11 PM
jus changed blogskin. dis time not i design myself ones. will design one soon :)
| together on.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
~4:15 PM
took a photo usin my phone pouch yesterdae.

kewt rites? hahas. i hav been fiddlin arnd with my phone all the time n havent started any holidae homework at all. heres the long list of homework i have gotta do:
`english book review
`mathematics worksheets
`two jian baos
`read mo biao
`cheng yu chao xie
`zi tie
`science practical book
`science workbook
`e-learnin & e-quiz for science
`geography workbook
`dnt workbook
`dnt drawings
`acc notebook [i havent copy finish]
`look for pic for art
`cme workbook
`jap worksheets & composition
hais. still dun hav the mood to start workin on dem.
| together on.
~4:00 PM
went to tampines mall todae with rebecca n hua xin to buy prezzies for our nice nice mentors n also a farewell prez for angeline :) met biyu there. she was so yellow. hehes. anyways, we saw the booth where our mentors bought prezzies for us. it was filled with lotsa kewt handphone accessories. i felt like grabbin everythin home lohs. okies. we went to mini toons, 77th street, ice lemon tee n so on. budden in the end bought pacifiers at kiddy palace for all of dem. hahas. n also extra bookmark for angeline. at 12 noon we went to macs for our lunch n went to library cos we were too early. we supposed to go eastpoint n give angeline her prez at 2.30 pm. yupps. after givin angeline her prez, i bought a piggie handphone pouch for my new phone :) watched movie -- que sheng [king of mahjong] -- with my uncle, sis joanne, mom n ziyong on sat nite. it was the first time i watched midnite show. anyways, the movie rawks!! i laughed so much dat i was bouncin on the seat. hahas. i strongly recommend dat movie. even if you dunno how to play mahjong like me, you will still lurve it x) yupps. n on sunday my mom fulfilled her promise of gettin me a flip-phone if i get first or second in class. me finally got my flip-phone:) clamshell phone to be exact. samsung one. SGH-E330C. lurve my mom lots :) next target: apple ipod mini.
| together on.
Monday, June 06, 2005
~4:30 PM
jus went to biqi's blog. she mentioned abt std1s bein ambitious n wantin to get into the comp team. i will be realli glad if dats true cos i guess it has been decided dat i will apply for ip. if i do get accepted, i hope dat the next batch of std2s will put in their best effort n strive hard for stjohn n not do the same thing as me. you ppl mus jiayou!!
| together on.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
~2:00 PM
havent been bloggin cos slacked after annual leisure camp. shall now blog abt everythin i remember.
27th May Friday
its nicole's n julian's bdae!! happi happi bdae :) it was also a happi dae for me cos 2d won third in the class deco!! whoots! 2d can achieve anythin when we unite. jus like when we did so to paint the classroom =) yupps. we had spring cleanin in class later. pretty fun. after dat was pre-camp for st john alc. arranged the tables n chairs. pasted newspapers on windows. yars. dats abt all.
28th May Saturday
first dae of alc!! all i can say abt it is funfunfun. sorry hors. i cant realli remember the sequence of stuff we did. i shall try my best not to miss out on anythin. we had our cheerin competition first thin dat dae. juliet won second!! we used the ultimate cheer. it rawks loads cos it was original. some other houses also original de but the others veri copy. like sierra de. the "s for sierra" one. its the cheer fahmy thought for aquos at our sec 2 level camp lohs. n the dynamite one also aquos grp 4's cheer lohs. nvm. havin fun was the main idea. after dat it was the telematch. first part needed to memorise the paragraph to the officer. nursings one goes like dis:
i'm sexy i'm cute n popular to boot.
i'm bitchy great hair n guys all wanna stare.
i'm pretty i'm hot n i'm everythin you are not.
i'm ditzy i'm cool n i dominate the school.
ambulances one in chinese. sth abt values of life. lols. after memorisin had to put thread thru needle. den is skip 30 times. after dat hav three cups filled with water n ping pong ball on first cup. need to blow it to third cup. yupps. mus reach dere in 120 seconds. den next part ish need to poke taupok with toothpick n flick it out of bowl. after dat need to spit water to cup over a distance. last part need to burst water bomb onto urself. juliet got fifth place for telematch. second last to be exact. but still all of us had fun :) after telematch std 2s had to go to auditorium for briefin frm principal. n also to get our report book.
i met my third aunt at the auditorium n saw my report book. quite satisfied with my results already. got second in class. lost to camelia by 0.2% i heard. dats 2 marks in overall. den i realised cos they never take my jap marks into consideration. hais. i didnt do as well for maths cos of jap den they neva take jap into consideration. wasted my effort larrs. at least now i noe dat i can do well even without jap backing me up. dun hav to get ppl in class sayin dat the ppl takin third lang are doin well cos of their third lang takin over their weakest subject. blearghx.
back to the camp. when std 2s went back, they were playin somethin to do with credits. dun realli understand. den they changed it to play scissors paper stone with seniors to get their credits. juliet's std 2s - hongsheng, tiffany, huaxin n me all won against the seniors we chose!! we rawk!! i chose to play with sir weichee cos hes our house senior. den realli win n got 5 credits :) juliet 500+ credits, the most among the houses!! den we had to bid for food to make rojak usin our credits. we bid for lotslotslots of stuff n shared with other houses cos some of them veri little credits, cannot buy anythin much. juliet rawks loads. yupps. n we got second for rojak. delta won first for dat.
after lunch was water quiz ba. each house need to send one rep to sit on chair den grp mus answer question. if answer wrongly or dunno ans, a scoop of water will go down on the person on chair. i was sent up twice but didnt get wet cos first question sgt kinkeong knew answer. second one sgt eugene tyco got it correct. but still got butt wet cos the chair filled with water liaos. yars. n if answer correctly can choose a house to pour water on. the seniors team got everyone wet first becos every house sabo them. alot of houses tied for dat game cos dey choose those houses which hav least no. of ppl wet to pour water on.
den came station games. juliet used joker for dat. like last yr. in the end we realli came in first n got 12 points :) the first station games was sth to do with water too. one rep had to act out the word den the rest mus guess. cannot guess den mus be pushed into water. halfway thru game the seniors came in with some bags of yellowish water n said dat one of them was urine. but dey didnt hav time to throw it on juliet... thank god but heard dat the bags werent realli filled with urine. next station game was to throw soccer ball to burst balloons on wall. didnt do well for dat but managed to get alot of time reduced after we cheer. den had to form clock for next station. another station was to stick our body parts to each other. next one was to mix coloured water to form specific colours. we did veri fast for dat. last one was the blow plastic bags n throw frm above to let ppl below catch. we did chao well for dat. filled the pail with so many bombs dat had to stop abt 10 times to burst dem first cos not enough space.
den came dinner. after dat was k idol. sir bengyu n sir jiahao sang jiangnan by linjunjie. chao nice lorrs. den yingxiao sang jiandanai by jay. didnt sang well cos it wasnt the song he prepared for. so staff samuel tell the judges n let him sing anjing without music. after dat for grp juliet had tiffany, huaxin, rebecca n xinying sing jieshou by fishleong. juliet got first for k idol :)
after dat had night activity. dis time round was sth investigation. had to be blindfolded n touch things. lotsa squishy thingys. heard dat dere was a frog lohhs. in the end the answer was dat the person choked. blearghx. didnt like dat activity. not fun ones. anyway we had supper n went to bathe. then slept. here are my bunkmates: elizabeth, daphne frm std1, steffy, daphne frm std2, biqi, natalie, suyee.
29th May Sunday
had urban hike!! went to little india, fort canning park n raffles stamford dunno wat. quite okae jus dat it rained when we were at fort canning. i got totally soaked. we had lunch at the underpass n had to pass egg in cup usin only mouth. den had to crack egg against forehead. station master sir weilong said dat some of the eggs were raw. in the end dun hav raw ones -_-"'. nvm. den we took loads of photos posin like the advertisements. we needed 20 but in the end only took arnd 13. played alot of fun games. our house morale veri low when it rained cos we saw hotel still cheerin hard. but when we reached raffles our morale got realli high cos we met sierra n alpha dere n heard dat one of dem only at their 3rd station n it was our last station liaos. we cheered all the way although we had difficulty findin our way back. den sir weilong said dat he will buy ice cream for our dinner after we sang tong hua at the bus stop. when we got back to sch we found out dat we were 5th. second last once again. yupps. den heard dat the house with the best house spirit for sat was hotel, n they got 3 points added directly to the house system.
we bathed after dat n had dinner. it was the best dinner we ever had in stjohn lohs. the std 1s sure are lucky kaes. had soft drink, fries, fish fillet, chicken chop, etc. n they lited the canteen with candles n switched off lights. damn romantic larrs. n juliet had ice cream frm sir weilong :) juliet did dis cheer: xie xie sir weilong, da jia chi ice cream. den hotel said: ice cream zai na li? n we went back: ice cream zai zhe li. den hotel said: ice cream da jia yi qi xiang yong. we were like -_-"'. budden juliet veri nice, we said: yao chi jiu lai na. in the end all the houses chiong to our table n took some ice cream. lols. veri farni. yupps. n all the houses said thank you to us. n we went back: bu ke qi. dhsjab rawks :)
after dat was social nite performance. the last activity for camp liaos. we did some calculations n found out dat juliet was leadin n delta second. n they havent use their joker yet!! so even if we got first for social nite n they got second, delta will win alc. anyway, alot of ppl say our house performance veri nice. ours was chang e n yu tu [jade rabbit]. we came up with songs for the acts den made it realli farni. sgt kinkeong was hou yi n sgt belinda chang e. den we mixed stjohn stuff like cpr n homenursin inside. veri fun!! deltas one was snow white n 7 dwarfs. abit borin but still not bad. hotels one was spongebob. cpl amerlyn acted as patrick, veri kewt. sierra was mr kiw. i liked theirs loads. alphas one was dong hai long wang [king of eastern sea?]. bravos one was abt powerpuff gals. shunjie wore ping raffia as hair!! n he acted damn gay larrs. after the performance we danced lots. had friendship dance, chicken dance etc.
next had supper. budden std 2s called to meet mam yanqi. were told dat we had mornin pt next dae. at 5.45am. to train for jnco. we were shocked lohs. last yr std 2s dun hav kaes. all of us veri worried cos we not prepared mentally.
30th May Monday
we woke up extremely early for pt. our morale veri high but cldnt cheer loudly cos it was early in the mornin. den ran n did 4 bx - pumpings, situps, jumpin jacks n halfsquats. 30 times each. after dat sir cheehoe said dat we cld cheer as loudly as we wan so we cheered!! infront of all the other stds watchin us cos they waitin for us to finish to come for flagraisin. they were impressed by our cheerin :) n sir junyang looked happi with us too.
after dat had area cleanin. juliet in charge of level one. sir kaidick was in charge. after area cleanin went to canteen. n heard dat we got champ for social nite!! n we won the best house spirit for sunday!! whee~ plus urban hike we won the most creative photos!! yupps. juliet won champ for annual leisure camp!! like last yr!! budden overall we lost to alpha cos they won almost all the competitions. we got second. not bad larrs. n guess wat. we only lost to dem by TWO points. hais. nvm. juliet still rawks! den we took photos n we cheered n whooshed.
den we were dismissed after some talks frm sir junyang while we were given walkathon cards. went for dental appointment after dat. met lotsa 2d ppl dere. as usual, the dentist said my teeth veri clean :) hahas. me bhb.
| together on.