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- me
. huiwen`
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. 19.o7.91`
. std2squad`
. 1d'o4 -- 2d'o5`
. dunman high sch`
. ex-6kaer in park view`
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~2:03 PM
had st john routine training yesterday. the first training with the std 3 instructors. loads of us thought that it was abit too hiong but we told them it was just nice when they asked. we wanted them to know that we could do it :)) yupps. i was really happy with our performance yesterday, especially the changing part. they gave us 6 mins and we managed it in 5 mins 10 secs!! super happy :) the instructors were pretty sweet cos they did circuit pumpings with us ^^ but they were really fierce yesterday.. yanwen praised me after the whole training for the pt-cum-toc for not giving up and my squad clapped for me but i didnt feel that i deserved it.. i almost gave up. hahas. after joining st john, my perserverance really increased lots :)) ohyah, i am gonna be the i/c next training.. very scared. after training, we took bus 30 together. then i walked with mianmian and my meimei zhiying. i searched all the newspaper stands for the magazine i weekly or something like that. it has the superstar profiles and everything!! although it was just published on thursday, almost all the newspaper stands were out of stock. thank goodness i found it. it really rawks :)) then mianmian went home and i walked with zhiying to the bus stop below her house. we talked lots. then she asked me who i liked. - - - i didnt plan to tell her but she said that she told me all abt her.. but hers not anyone we know mahs. hais. but in the end, somehow, i admited when she guessed it =_="' i wouldnt say the name but i didnt want to lie when she guessed it. hais. i dunno if i still like that person anyways. and zhiying promised me she would not say anything to anyone. i trust her :)) then i took bus 2 home. i was holding my protector with st john uniform, a super heavy art file where i threw my homework file into, my shoe box with my boots and my i weekly magazine. and the bus was full. just then, a nice-looking woman saw an empty seat and asked me to take it. i replied that it was okay and she asked if i was sure. i nodded and thanked her so she sat down. so so so sweet right :)) yupps. then i was standing beside her when the bus moved and i didnt have any spare hands to hold on to the handle, so i was like shaking to and fro. and she held my hand to prevent me from falling!! gosh. i really wanted her as my mom but i love my mom too :)) yupps. and someone's bdae is coming!! hahas. an advanced happy birthday and stay happy :))
| together on.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
~1:00 PM
had pop on saturday and stayed till sunday morning.. during the parade, yahui and me were the medics -- first-aiders. throughout the whole parade, only one std1 and hongsheng felt unwell. the std1s have pretty good stamina :)) anyways, they played really touching songs during the parade and when grace tan took over carmen's place, the memories of the times with carmen all flooded back.. when carmen took over qiaoping last year, the same thing happened but somehow, i felt twice as much sadness on saturday.. during all the routine trainings, we angered carmen loads. she did not shout at us but when we saw her upset face, our heart ached.. i dunno if we have met her expectations of us but i am sure we will not disappoint her :) yupps. and the std4s cheered while they marched on the track. it was really really touching.. and i heard that some std4 guys cried.we cheered for the std4s when they walked into the canteen for dinner. the lights were off and there were candles all over.. then they led the food cheer for the last time.. :(( after that it was performance time. it was quite okaes. and my squad is really unlucky as can be seen from the lucky draw.. we dont get anything for lucky draw and are the first ones to win when it was unlucky draw.. lols. then we had mass dance.. chicken dance for dunno how many times. tiring but fun (: after that we gave the souvenirs to the std4s. we made heart cushions for them and we gave carmen a booklet with testimonials from every one of us. hope that she liked it :)) after the performance, we had a talk with our instructors. we didnt talk much.. :( i hope that the instructors, especially carmen, will know that although we didnt say much, we will really miss them loads cos they have been really great and we LOVE them with all our hearts!!
| together on.
Monday, July 25, 2005
~2:19 PM
hooray!! yayness!! derrick got into the semi-finals!! lalala~ kelly got in too! although i dont like her extremely -- like derrick --, but i think she sings well and is pretty :)) yao lu is sad that leon got eliminated but i am sure she would be sad too if derrick was out. so since only one contestant can get into the next round, derrick would be the best choice (: i was trembling when i watched the results last night lohs. thank god.. hmm. the two male contestants i hope will stay inside are derrick and junyang :)) jiayous! for the females i think kelly sings the best ^^.
| together on.
Friday, July 22, 2005
~7:04 PM
i really hope that derrick will be able to get into the next round.. his sincerity is so admirable can.. and he's cute!! thank goodness he got the highest in the revival round.. almost all the judges were touched by him. and li wei song said that he almost cried!! hahas. i already almost cried when i saw his bio lohs. ohwells. i voted 10 times for him.. if he doesnt get into the next round me not gonna vote for anyone again..
| together on.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
~4:41 PM
boos. my bdae so fast over le. anyways, thankies to all who sent me bdae greetings!! lurve ya all loads loads :)) especially jun -- she sent sms at midnite! jan was next -- 5:50:42 am!! then i went to sch for pop rehearsal and met meiyun (: she said she wanted to send at midnite but fell asleep. lols. such a sweetie!! hmm.. then were cheryl n adelyn. cheryl gave me postcard!! later on was the whole bunch of squadmates :)) lurve them loads! natalie even vandalised my hand with greetings! hahas. then i received kathleen's sms ^^. yupps. then went to bishan for jap CA4. it didnt go well but who cares.. the impt thing was i received yao lu's prezzie!! she sharing with camelia n cheryl. lurve the prezzies loads! lurve them even more :)) n then after third lang, sat bus with felicia. she treated me to neoprints for bdae prezzie! but not enough time to decorate.. sads. but it was the process that mattered! and the most shocking one was frm tzu hsiang!! she's such a wonderful junior!! lurved the bdae song!! mm.. then received jiayao's sms. very shocking too.. hahas. and i just opened the e-greeting from jochebed!! the donkey was kewt! hahas. not much prezzies but i noe i will get more soon (:
| together on.
~1:22 AM
19th July.
This date sounds terribly familiar doesnt it? I shall be kind and remind you all what date it is. That sacred day that happens to be tomorrow is the birthday of the owner of the blog you are reading now! I know her really well and I can tell you that she will definitely not mind having more presents x)
okies. i shall stop crapping. hais. oh yars. yao lu and camelia bought presents for me together. and due to some bad luck, one of the presents is the cd of lin jun jie -- jiang nan --, which i just bought on saturday.. sigh. why didnt either of us chose the other cd of his? this shows that we have the same taste ba :) i shall try to see if i can change the cd to another one since i have not opened it yet..
| together on.
Monday, July 18, 2005
~12:00 AM
me staying at fifth aunt's house todae for the e-learning thingy cos my computer broke down. guess what. my fifth aunt has a scanner!! lols. i didnt bring my neoprints but i brought the class photos. and i have scanned them already x)

formal photo.
hahas charlotte is slanted.

everyone show d-shape!!
lols it reminds me of initial d.

thumbsup :)
zuoqi thumbs are down!! naughty girl!
charlotte looks like she is gonna fly off!

many ppl are not looking at the camera.
why is jun looking so sad?

victor looks blur...
last year we had victor with the 10-dollar note and now george with a 2-dollar one!

point at mdm lim!!
hahas we look squashed!

let's clap!
cephas looks like he's gonna fight...

ppl act seh!
jocelyn damn seh...
cephas looks sissy.

who is camelia trying to punch..
jochebed is torturing zuoqi.
weicheng dont bully yao lu lahs!!

ppl smile (:
alson pinching george's cheeks..
weisong with his mouth open...

we are supposed to act bu shuang!
yao lu wanted us to pout together..
in the end she said we looked like pigs.

i forgot whether we were supposed to surrender or hold hands..
yuntong grabbed victor's hand!! i bet victor hoped that was nicole..

andy is being strangled!!
jun and charlotte so cute!

we can change positions!!
but there's such a big gap.
andy is still being strangled...

this one looks better.
jochebed and zuoqi in the middle of the guys!!
grand finale photo and it looks great :) 2d rawk!
although i only ordered 14 out of the 16 class photos, but i have all 16 photos with me to let ppl order so i scanned all except the first photo cos it's the same as the second one. formal ones. btw, if any of you havent order the photo, dont have to worry cos i only need to return the order form by august :)
| together on.
~10:40 AM
i have finally made a decision. i choose dhp. i made the decision not only after making a whole series of consideration, but also because it seems to be a route fated for me. read on and see. on the first day of term 3, dunman high could only give out 133 letters of invitation to dhp. i received one of the letters but i wasnt sure that i would like to stay in dunman high for 4 more years and i liked victoria jc so i used my tarot cards to help me make a choice. the ending for dhp was quite good and for vip, it was the god of death. i ignored the tarot cards and rejected the offer to dhp. i planned to apply for victoria jc. yao lu accepted dhp but wanted to apply for vip. i went to vjc's open house soon after and loved that place. and i found out that simphoni wanted to apply for vip too. this made me even more determinded to get into vjc. however, the next monday, mr. sng, our principal, announced that moe granted full dhp for dunman high. which meant that every sec 2 students from dhs would get the invitation to join dhp. in normal circumstances, i would not put dhp into consideration again but mr. sng gave a really touching, propaganda in a sense, speech that day. it seemed that dhs had everything planned out. there would be a new uniform for year 5 and 6 students, new rules and regulations, etc. and i could not bear to leave dhs too. but yao lu was not touched at all. i had also finished the essay needed to apply for vip. so i called janice to try to persuade her to apply for vip too. if she agreed, i would have just submited my application form to vjc. but janice was terribly stubborn. thus i had a talk with yao lu. she said she would go back and consult her parents. later that night she called me and said that she would go for dhp -- she thought that i wanted dhp. i was shocked cos she was actually shaken by me. but i started telling yao lu abt the nice environment in vjc. she wasnt pleased because i kept changing my mind. both of us decided to have a talk with mr. sng the next day. actually, i knew that if i was willing to talk to mr. sng the next day, it would mean that I had decided to go for dhp. thus, later in the night, i consulted guanyin. i asked if i should apply for vjc and threw the cresent-shaped stuff. the first time it was neutral and second time it was a no. i was convinced that i would be doomed if i went to vjc so i decided to go for dhp. yao lu and me still talked to mr. sng to prevent ourselves from thinking abt vjc again. i rejected the letter of offer at first but it gave me another chance to choose. i ignored the tarot cards but even the super-accurate guanyin told me that i shouldnt apply for vjc. i wanted to get into vip and come back for st john routine trainings but my squadmates told me that it was almost impossible. just when the vip deadline was approaching, st john national competition was held and our corp shared the sadness as one which made me feel impossible to leave dhsjab. i did not like my class in the first semester but on youth day, i felt that my classmates are great ppl and i would not want to leave them. yao lu had her mind set on vip at first but considered abt dhp later. if i was sec 2 last year, i would have gone for vip but the principal changed just i became sec 2 and mr. sng is such a wonderful student-centred principal which would make anyone think twice before leaving. because of all these factors, i know i would have regretted if i went to vjc. thus, i would not hesitate anymore abt accepting dhp :))
| together on.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
~10:09 AM
i am sorry to all those i screamed at [with the exception of chow jia yao] yesterday. i know i shouldnt have flared up at you ppl but seriously, i was very pissed off. this is why i will not accept cheryl's suggestion to write a public apology on the board after the tltm week. i feel bad for throwing my temper but i dont think i am wrong so i wont go to the extent of a public apology.
| together on.
~4:40 PM
have not been bloggin cos my comp broke down!! boos. anyways, friday was st johns day and youth day too. we wore full u for whole day. our drill durin flag raising was damn seh can. yupps. youth day was fun too. 2d had lotsa enthusiasm n class spirit dat day! after everythin ended, we got scoldin frm sir junyang. hais. std 2s got double scoldin cos we are the jnco squad. nvm. we shall work harder next time n be more respectful :)
oh yars, and i watched initial d on last day of june hols with shun jie after public duty! public duty was okae. i paired up with nicholas frm std 3. talked alot n slacked. intial d was nice!! cos got edison :) lols. jay chou was cute in the movie but i still lurve edison more =)
| together on.
Monday, July 04, 2005