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~1:19 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE!!i feel so energised and full of joy plus happiness now! thanks to my junior!my dear junior tzu hsiang told me that she thinks christmas is the time to spread joy and letting our loved ones know that they are loved. upon hearing that, i went around wishing people who are online a merry christmas! and of course, i got a greeting back from almost everyone (: being a buddhist, i'd never celebrated christmas before. as in we don't have a christmas tree at home and we don't exchange presents. till now then i realise that we can just celebrate christmas by wishing each other a merry xmas and putting a smile on everyone's faces! no, not just for christmas! we should give our loved ones a hug everyday! hope that you all are enlightened! go show your love now (:
| together on.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
~1:06 AM
rules of the game:1. post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself2. at the end of the post, list 5 pple whom u want to do the quiz3. next, leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and ask them to read your blog for rulesfact #o1i do self-reflection when i shower, resulting in an hour's wastage of water. fact #o2i fantasize myself as the female lead of a romance drama to get to sleep plus have sweet dreams.fact #o3i pout without realising it. fact #o4i have not touched my holiday homework. fact #o5i love shopping for presents.i don't have specific targets for this game. so if you think this is interesting, feel free to do it (x
| together on.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
~12:01 AM
back from class chalet! it was from 20th to 22nd december but i only went on 21st december because i slept for 24 hours after breaking camp on the 19th. so sorry! nothing special happened during the chalet - no sadness no nothing. but it was fun and we enjoyed it as a class (: we played asshole taidi at night. ohwells. it's basically taidi, just that the loser is the asshole. plus for the next game the asshole will give two best cards to the winner of the previous game. it's like the asshole will forever be stuck at the bottom loh. hm. and i learnt more about mahjong plus bridge! went to watch king kong after chalet. was boring at first but really touching at the end. here are some stuff i didn't blog about:1. my third uncle bought me a labtop!2. my house was repainted! my room is now pink (:
| together on.
~9:39 AM
ohman. ohman. ohman. our squad has completed the 30th Junior NCO Training Camp! all the tough trainings did not go to waste as we graduated from camp as ONE with complete fulfilment of our camp motto OUR BEST FOR ALL. the fear we had before the camp was transformed into satisfaction and unity (: we had activation every single day of the camp, with starting times varying from 4.30 am to 10.00 pm. we were to get into action at the very mention of the codeword DIRTYBOMB. we had to get the casualties evacuated from the disaster area in the shortest time possible and for the first activation, sir yuanwang said that the seniors thought that we would take 3 hours but we only took around half the time! moreover, we took less time for every subsequent activation! incredible for the smallest squad in the corps with only 5 ambulances (boys)! there was once when i ran to the fourth storey and down for 10 times during activation, sometimes to scout and others to evacuate. it was damn tiring. and both sides of my hips are bruised badly because every time we run with the stretcher, the stretcher will bang at the hips. ohwells. at least we completed it!another activity worth mentioning was the route march! a simpler term would be quick walk for 9 km! 9 km sounds so impossible but we did it! with never-stopping thunderous cheers! towards the end sir junyang led us around the park and he said that he only parades the BEST. a praise from sir junyang is like a bolt from the blue! and what's more he said the BEST!! wow wow wow. our finale activity was the endurance test. this was the only one which made me feel like dying. the stretcher made a serious bruise on my shoulder and i can still feel as if the stretcher is there. i cried while cheering okie. but after we got back to school, the std 3s sprayed water at us as if we were some great people, it felt really wonderful to have completed a task so tough! we were scolded badly and had defaulters' parade for the first two nights but after that, we had praises. sir huawei said that it was the first time he saw so few people fall out during jnco! and we are only a squad so small!i shall not elaborate about any other activities since it must be self-experienced before one can understand it. i can only say that i'm glad i did not give up and i would have regretted for the rest of my lives if i missed the camp! we are now JUNIOR NCOs!! love our camp commandant sir junyang. love our camp sergeant major qiaoping. love our team advisors. love our camp personnel. love our wonderful std 3s. LOVE std2SQUADo5! OURBESTFORALL.
| together on.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
~4:16 PM
friends out there, don't worry about me!i'm not suffering from depression, just disappointment. although disappointment never heals, at least i'll be free from suicidal thoughts (xafter some thought, i decided that it's really unbecoming to be lagging in my posts. so, i'll now post about past important events. no more holiday happenings after that.
gift from nice simphoni who came back from melaka
youthinc. flag draft
youthinc. flag
my nametagjnco course dayson day 1, after coming out from changing into full uniform, i was stunned by shunjie's "you are grp i/c today". it was sir cheehoe's idea. i bet he knew that i was hopeless with flag drill.. geez. anyway, i thought i was doomed, but turned out that i enjoyed it (:for flag raising, i was really nervous and flopped the flag drill. "lucky" thing was that the squad was sort of squished and the flag knocked into tiffany in front and biqi at back. so the seniors didn't realise i was not handling the flag correctly. sorry to tiffany and biqi!!also, sir weiquan caught me twice and i was "reprimanded" for mishandling the flag. but i didn't mind because after that, i'm perfect at flag drill (x so throughout the day, i ran around with the flag. the gutless me didn't dare to touch the flag in the past because i was afraid of doing flag drill wrongly. now? i love the flag! yupp. both days were filled with lectures. lecturers include: mam siewchin, sgt major qiaoping, mam serene, mam shenglian, sir bengyu, sir weilong, sir cheehoe, sir yuanwang, sir huawei. i think that's all. i liked sir bengyu's lecture most, followed by mam serene's and sir weilong's. the others made me want to doze off, except sgt major qiaoping's one of course. fierceness!sir weilong is super sexist. he says "gentlemen and ladies". mm. we were pumped countless times for everything. poor tiffany and huaxin pumped for calling sgt major qiaoping "mam". seriously, who in the world can adapt so quickly? we have been calling sgt major qiaoping "mam" since we joined st john! yupp. and i was commander for second day's flag lowering. flopped again because of my disgusting drill. wanting had to sign extra for letting the brigade flag touch the ground ):hm. the two days were horrible to almost everyone but i liked them. i wonder why. i guess i'm sadistic for enjoying scoldings. but i really felt satisfaction for having learnt so much those days, be it theory or discipline or drills. those days made me feel prepared for jnco camp too. and i started to like sgt major qiaoping only after she became our camp sgt major. fine, i know i'm crazy. experienced loads of first-times on jnco course day 1 -- but that one was special to me.went for midnight movie -harry potter- after jnco course day 1 and had to polish boots after i got home. so i slept for only 3 hours!japanese language proficiency testit was multiple choice, quite okay except for the listening section. passable!sap scholarship intervieweew. my goosebumps are rising at the thought of that. it was horrendous. i wonder if i'm born unlucky. others got questions for their views which allow crapping yet all my questions were knowledge-based. sigh. i think i can only dream for the scholarship. 10th December: st john course exam plus napfatheory paper was made up of 40 true/false questions and we were given an hour -_-"' we smart dhs cadets took only 15 minutes and thus handed in early. topography was more difficult but okay. napfa. the poor me who have never gotten gold for napfa because of standing broad jump has finally made some improvement! from 135 cm to 151 cm! i know 151 cm sucks but it's an incredible jump okay! i'm so proud of myself (: but it's still a bronze for 15-year-old. to pass jnco standard, it's silver for 15-year-old. geesh. i'm only taking napfa for 14-year-old next year! dropped 2 minutes for 2.4km run ): sir jianli kept running beside me and disallowed me to stop. i appreciated his "encouragement" but not only did it slowed me down (i would run faster after a nice rest), i almost collasped after the whole run because it was the first time i ran 2.4km without stopping anywhere. sigh.after that, i went home with weiyan, didn't go for squad lunch. we talked and talked and talked. found another friend whom i can have heart-to-heart talks with! yet she's going to vjc next year. heaven is always doing this to me. i hate you!
| together on.
Monday, December 12, 2005
~3:20 PM
i thought you knew me best and won't misunderstand me like everyone else. since you watched me grow from a baby to a failure. or should i say, you knew well every movement i made even before i was born. i never worried about self-constraint when i was with you, sharing all personal experiences and views without hesitation and never expecting the same treatment from you. in the end? i have to bear with the disappointment of you seeing me in the same wrong light as them. i guess this is why teenagers only stick to their friends nowadays. so, you think that i should treat you like how teenagers treat their parents? fine. our relationship shall be of materialistic plus realistic give-and-take from now on. no more trust and sharing. only money.
| together on.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
~2:53 PM
i lost a mother; you lost a daughter. we are quits.
| together on.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
~4:13 PM
planned to continue blogging past holiday happenings but i was just scared terribly. my heart is still beating fast. http://www.emusing.com/f_cg0903.aspdon't get too excited if you love horror flicks.that only scares timids like me.
| together on.
Thursday, December 01, 2005