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~4:45 PM
totally malu-ed today!! this was what happened. during physics, i realised that i had taken eunice's worksheet by mistake on wednesday. i returned it to her and found out that mine was missing. so i asked yaolu whether she had it since i was sitting with her in the laboratory on wednesday.
you must be thinking that the gigantic speech bubble in the picture is to accomodate the many words in my speech. ohwells. you are only partially right. the size of the bubble also signifies the loudness of my voice. before i knew what happened, the whole class was laughing. so i turned my head to the front and realised mr hong staring at me. it was only seconds later that i realised what was exactly happening. i had talked at a volume equivalent to the teacher's voice plus at that point of time the class was silent. so it was like my voice sounded throughout the whole class! ohman. terribly MALU!! i said "sorry" and covered my face in embarrassment after that. geez. --- --- --- --- --- --- ---yup. school has already started for three weeks already, yet i've only described the teachers in my class and not my classmates. well, fret not because here it is! first it would be eunice of course since she sits beside me (: both of us were unwilling to sit with each other at first because she wanted to sit with jolene and me with yaolu. but now it's all fine! we became closer these few days, and no doubt the credit goes to gossips! haha. gossips bond girls. hm. and she is a really nice and sweet person, not at all like what rumours make her out to be. so people, know her better before you make comments okay! yup. and she also slacked through her maths lessons last year so we are in the same situation! we shall work hard together (:next comes kailin. i already know her from taking bus 2 last year but it's quite different this year with her in the same class. first thing i have to say is THANKU so much kailin! without your help with maths i would die! LOVEU! yup. we have agreed to study together on tuesdays since we live so near each other. she teach me maths and i teach her hcl. as for science we shall discuss together since we are both so 'good' at it xD then it would be junwei (sitting behind me) and guppy (sitting behind eunice). i have decided to describe them together since they are ever so similar. both extremely CRAPPY of course. talktalktalk and lamelamelame. both have got long stretchy legs which will kick our chairs too, and both are super pro in maths! so me and eunice are lucky to have two tutors behind (:when asked, junwei never fails to first complain about how easy the questions are. then he will just dododo and show us his working without bothering to explain. so here guppy comes in to explain junwei's working to us and tada! me and eunice understood one more maths question! hm. junwei, yaolu and me sometimes exchange japanese speeches -- mostly scoldings --. then when junwei found out that we gonna quit japanese as third language today, he went, "then next time i scold you all in jap, you all won't understand already.." NOTE: the typed-out form of what junwei said might have made you misunderstand that he meant: "MUAHAHAHA! i can scold you anything i want the next time and you shall be left dumbfounded!"BUThe said that in abit sad tone. plus with that poorlittlelonelyboy look, this is what he really meant (subjected to my interpretation): "huh.. quit already ah.. then there will be no more having fun playing silly stuff together while waiting for the third lang bus ): we also can't squabble using jap anymore in class and leave the rest busy asking us for translations.."so me and yaolu assured him that the latter can still be achieved since:1) the japanese teacher won't teach him how to scold peopleand 2) nobody uses cheem grammar when they scold people. since we already know the full basics of japanese language, we can still communicate (:that's all for this post.
| together on.
Friday, January 20, 2006
~11:52 PM
hihi (: don't bother about the previous post because everything's fine now. ohwells. unhappiness between parent-and-child ends fast, especially with me as the child. weirdly, i have been quarrelling with yaolu these few days but they always start in the early morning and end after recess. then we will go home together happily again (: then start the next early morning. hoho. but she loses out more because she has gossips she can't wait to tell me! fine. i guess that applies to me. hm. big news. yaolu and i are quitting japanese lessons. such a pity after finishing half of the syllabus eh? we are afraid that we can't catch up with school work you see. but dhp lessons have proved to be pretty okay so far. ohwells. since we can get back a refund for the third language bus service, it's alright la.yup. and i'm not catching up fast enough for maths. sigh. how i regret sleeping through my maths lessons last year! sec 2 students, you can sleep through all other lessons except maths okay! i shall put in more effort to make up for last year (: history and moot parliament programme rawk totally! partly because it's taught by mr chiang ky i think. i have always been interested in politics and ideologies. and we have a history project based on ideologies! yayness! the sad thing is that we only have a weekend to do it. but yaolu, jinghuan, meiyun and me shall do our best (: the three sciences have been okay so far too. i think i have benefited the most from chemistry. ms ng is a great teacher! i understand her teaching fast. ohwells. who doesn't? for biology, we haven't really learnt anything new yet so we shall see. physics have been pretty dry as i expected, but at least i do understand what mr hong is talking about. higher chinese okay too. but i feel weird not learning new vocab from the text. it feels as if.. i'm not learning anything. haha. i guess my chinese foundation is strong enough to take the new teaching style. must still work hard though!yup. that pretty much sums up the lessons.
| together on.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
~10:51 PM
i never blamed you for not being able to play a part in educating me, nor did i take it to heart that i don't have a tuition teacher to make my studying easier. but why did you have to say that my results are only slightly better than average? why do you have the impression that my achievements didn't require effort when i worked so hard for them? fine. i don't study as hard as my aunts, nor do i revise my work. but i studied really hard for the end-of-year exams okay. it's a 270 degree change compared to my primary school lifestyle, where i hardly touched the books. can't you see the drastic change in me? why do you take my results for granted? fine. i didn't get the scholarship because i didn't work hard enough. so i shall be condemned for it? i lost count of how many times you made me cry.
| together on.
Monday, January 16, 2006
~2:20 AM
although i've gotten my new labtop for quite some time already, this is the first time i'm using it to blog! i went to bugis with my mum after routine training on saturday to shop for the wireless broadband router and printer cum scanner cum photocopier. and i've just installed everything myself! so proud of me (:the classroom deco is 98% done already. we still have a crucial part to do but the deadline is over. hope that we can still win without it! i'm put in charge of the class blog. hope that i can cope do it well!
| together on.
~4:35 PM
see, clara and meigui are good friends okay. most importantly, they both rawk! why must meigui go out?! she's supposed to have both the support of tjc and cchms students! BOO.
| together on.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
~11:56 PM
ohman. ohman. ohman. the results of campus superstar just came out. and CLARA got into the next round!! *sigh of relief* i voted 10 times, 5 from me plus 5 from yaolu. thankgod! but i like meigui alot too.. boo. why can't some other sickening contestants get out? MEIGUI, JIAYOU!for the males, the result was quite obvious already after they sang. no comments. just wanna say that weijian sang piano much better than M2.
| together on.
Monday, January 09, 2006
~9:25 PM
first day of formal lessons!today results of the sap scholarship were released. ohwells. within my expectations la, flopped the interview what else to expect. plus they gave 8 less students than they promised. if i say i aint sad i would be lying. mummy must be sad to have a daughter not good enough to ease her burden. failure me. congrats to all who got it though! i will still be doing bilingual studies and try to excel in it too despite having less advantages. yup. and we finally got to met our teachers today!first was ms ng for chemistry. she gave me a hardworking impression from her introduction. hm. we shall see. but she was a bit nervous and thus stammered, should relax more, we won't eat her up what. then was an lao shi for hcl. she stepped in and talkedtalkedtalked abt her name and its meaning. spent 5 mins i think. then we were told that no more tian xie han zi, tian xie ci yu and zao ju for exams! great (: then an lao shi asked people to go up and talk about themselves and an item they picked. i was not chosen, thank goodness. i was pretty sad i didn't get mr kiw for hcl teacher, but i guess this an lao shi not bad too (:next was maths. ms low, our form teacher, came in and wanted to rearrange our seats. but some people insisted that they won't change and ms low can't handle them. we had pccg after recess so it was ms low again. this time she die die must change so we changed seats. poor me and yaolu were separated. i'm now sitting with eunice and she with jolene ong. eunice even cried.then physics. eunice and jolene wanted to sit together so we changed. the teacher was mr hong. 3b calls him mr hong ping guo. don't really have much comments abt him cos we were asked to go down for the scholarship results during his lesson.last lesson history! ohman. mr chiang rawks! he has zero noise tolerance level which i appreciate. plus he is super passionate about the subject and teaches beyond the text. most importantly, we students would be able to learn everything without bias-ness because he's not afraid to teach (: and mr chiang's voice+drama makes lessons interesting! i'm so glad i chose history. er. mr chiang said he being a eccentric person don't want people to greet him, neither when he comes in, nor when he goes out. i guess all who loves the arts are like that, because i'm one of them!
| together on.
~5:19 PM
first week of school flied past greatly with no lessons! i beamed twice daily, before and after school, from 3.1.06 to 6.1.06, when i saw pupils of other schools holding their additional maths textbooks in their hands, feeling glad that dunman high arranged a week of fun-filled activities to start our new year instead of making us dread school with stressful lessons. on the first day of school, we were briefed on our activities for the week and also some new school rules. several rules have been relaxed, eg. we can now bring sling bags and wear sports shoes to school. ankle socks are also now allowed as long as it's 1 cm above our shoes. although i didn't see the need to change these rules, i'm proud that dhs has a committee who's willing to cater to the students' wishes as long as we can handle it well (: however, they implemented a new rule which i plus 90% if not all of the rest are unhappy about. we are now not allowed to wear our pe t-shirt with skirt/pants to school even if we have pe lesson on that day. we have to go through the trouble of bringing our pe attire to school to change and after pe, we still have to change back to school uniform! true, they have explained the need of the rule, being that some students (boys) stink the classrooms after pe lessons with their sweat and they see changing out of our pe t-shirt as a solution to that. it's considered a problem of hygiene. and to save us too much hassle, our twice-a-week pe lessons have been put together, we are to have pe lessons once a week now. i wanted to submit a petition with the students' signatures immediately after the rule was announced but thought that it was quite inconsiderate since we have not even tried it out yet. thus, i'm gonna bear with it for a month and see if i can stand it. second day of school was orientation. uniformed group members stayed in the hall the whole day to show the sec 1s around our booths. it was quite okay, i think our footdrill video plus activation should have impressed them. haha. but we missed out on the painting of our classroom! there are four competitions to let us bond with our class - namely extreme makeover (for the classroom), class-tee design, class noticeboard design and class blog. we were given 5-litre white paint from the school and we can choose another two colours. all paintbrushes, rollers, etc. are provided! gosh. dunman high rawks! last year i had to carry 5-litre paint to school myself okay. third day of school was amazing race for sec 3s! another activity planned by the school! another name for it is DHS XPLORE. each class was divided into 3 groups for the activity. my group had meiyun, chunying, daphne, jinghuan, liujia, mingwei, rebecca, faith and me (: our two facilitators were yanwen and rebeccaboon. we had a starter game to decide which group goes first. starter game was to cut out words from the chinese newspaper they provided to form the phrases given. the groups who finished first get to go first. we went to tanjong pagar railway station first. task was to fill up a form and find out the times of the train. next station was ikea. task was to get a pencil they give. another station was rjc old campus at mount sinai. had scavenger hunt and some games. ohman. that old and creepy place is where we are gonna move next year! *shivers* another station was boon lay. had to find students from NTU. didn't do the task though. then was toa payoh community library. we were to have to 2-min performance fo an audience of 7 or more. there was a group of rjc students there coincidentally so the nice souls agreed to be our audience. then we went to the padang. needed to find some historical places. last station we went to was youthpark at orchard. had to write words with our butts. lol. then we chionged back to school because time was running out! had a debrief with the facilitators then prize presentation. our group got a merit award - 4th among 29 groups! threecheers! we got a special DHS XPLORE keychain each (: then was happiness hearts time. that day was really great. got to mix well with some of my new classmates. we ran around together and laughedlaughedlaughed. went home with grace and junwen after school. they tried black magic and orange magic on me. then there was the follow-what-i-do. it was damn funny. i couldn't get the correct way then junwen said that she would do it really obvious. and well - it was REALLY obvious. i laughed until my stomach hurt loh. then there was the bangbangbang - who died? and the how-many-meh-meh-jumped-over-the-fence. i shall not explain the games, if you wanna know, i will play it with you and let you guess the correct ways. but they are really lame, so don't bash me up when you know the answers!fourth day of school was painting day. we painted and painted. a group of us helped to design the class-tee and come up with our slogan. we are now:bright baby batt3. [wired together; positively charged]nice right?! 3b. battery -> batt3. get it? i thought of it!! haha. i already like 3b loads, feel that we will bond really fast (:
mr sng gave us a presentation and told us of our 50th anniversary celebrations. there will be dunmanian dolls, a set consisting of a male and female. there is also a 3d-model of our campus. and of course loads of celebrations!
i'm sure 2oo6 will be a great year to look forward to!
| together on.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
~12:27 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!have been pretty depressed after the interview with advisors. i even cried a little on the way home. i spent time thinking and self-reflecting.. was i really not good enough? they all said they could see i put in much effort. so what else could i have done? it was just the not speaking up enough part wasn't it? ohwells. i made myself watch a horror movie just to feel less bothered. after watching the cds with the photos our squad had together, i felt much better with the thought that i still had my squad. yupp. i'm proud to say that after searching my own conscience, i'm sure i have no regrets or whatsoever of the camp. i put in my best and i became a better person after the camp (: the only thing that could have been better would be me being in another group. no, it's not the members of my group. i love all my squadmates, especially the ones whom i had gone through the camp with. i just think that i could improve more if i didn't have advisors thinking that wearing a dark blue rubber band when i couldn't find my black one is considered a lack of discipline. sigh. so, back to the new year part. a year has passed without us realising it! i haven't even started on my holiday homework. bleargh. a new year requires a new start, how i wish i can throw away my homework and tell the teacher that old homework ought to be in the garbage! hm. i have cut my hair and pierced my ears just for the new year! my hair looks horrible now and it was painful piercing my ears, but it's worth sacrificing for the new image (: i wanted to design a new blogskin for the new year but there was a lack of time so i shall have it for chinese new year! look out for it!and here's my new year resolutions:- show my loved ones i love them!yes, i shall shower my family, friends and squadmates with presents! to let them know that there is me willing to go broke for them (: - no more depressing!i shall just do what i think is right and stay happy knowing that i won't regret my actions (: there is nothing i can do when it comes to separation though.. but that's still 2 years away!- complete my homework on time!i know i've no right to say this seeing that i have not started on my holiday homework. mommy, i promise i'll work hard!- put in my best effort for everything!it gives me satisfaction plus happiness when i put in my best, just like for the camp! so this it shall be for everything i do (:i thought i would have a million resolutions but i guess these are the only ones i strongly feel about.
| together on.
Sunday, January 01, 2006